How to get darker eyebrows? The best ways to darken your brows naturally

Just like too dark eyebrows might spoil the entire makeup you’ve applied so maliciously, too fair brows can deprive your face of charm, as well. What should we do if we don’t like our eyebrows’ natural color? Luckily, there are five ways to get the color darker and more intensive! Keep reading to learn the very methods and choose the one that looks the most appealing to you.

Isn’t it true that the very first cosmetic procedure that comes to our minds when we hear the phrase ‘ways to darken the eyebrows’ is henna brow tinting? Well, that’s okay because this is one of the most common ways to intensify the natural color of eyebrows. Yet, it’s not the only one! Therefore, if you want to get darker eyebrows, you should learn all the techniques that allow you to achieve this goal.


Eyebrow makeup

The simplest way to create more intensive eyebrows is makeup, obviously. Sadly, we rarely consider using color cosmetics as a way to get darker eyebrows; we rather treat them as means of brow styling. However, it can’t be denied that a well-applied eyebrow makeup is able to bring these arches of ours out and make them look more enhanced. An undisputed advantage of brow makeup is the fact that it’s super fast and easy to do, especially that all the products needed are often close at hand.


Henna brows / brow tinting

Another way of intensifying the color of eyebrows and letting this effect remain with us for longer (which can’t be achieved with regular makeup) is through using henna. This is a natural plant tint extracted from Lawsonia leaves. Once you have powdered Lawsonia at your disposal, combine it with water, apply the mixture to the brows and let it sit for a few minutes to enjoy darker brows pretty soon. Used by plenty of women, undoubtedly, this is the most common way to darken eyebrows at home.

Unfortunately, we often reach for products that only imitate henna. They don’t contain even traces amounts of Lawsonia and the effect of darker eyebrows is created due to the use of chemical colorants which aren’t always safe for us.


Eyebrow serum

An incredibly easy and effortless way of improving appearance of eyebrows is eyebrow serum. You can pick and choose between numerous eyebrow enhancers which task is to revitalize and beautify the brows. How to darken eyebrows due to a serum? Suffice to use it systematically. Then, you can expect your eyebrows to become regenerated, stronger and healthier, which consequently translates into intensified color and shine boost.


Castor oil for eyebrows

Being a replacement for henna, natural castor oil is recognized as one of the most commonly used products to make eyebrows darker. Indeed, this is an effective solution to darken your eyebrows in a natural way. How does it work? A high quality castor oil is able to nourish and improve brow growth, which consequently leads to thickening the entire brow arch. And this in turn makes eyebrows look more defined and darker. Furthermore, it was proven that castor oil has an actual power to influence the hair color by leaving it darker and lustrous, which significantly improves its appearance.


Home masks to dye the brows darker

The last idea to give a try to are natural masks that can be prepared at home. Such DIY cosmetic is easy to make and delivers effects comparable to henna brows. Below there are three most popular home masks to dye the brows darker:

  • Cocoa mask – combine a spoon of cocoa with a spoon of coconut oil and a dash of honey (for extra hydration); put it on brows and let it sit for 10 minutes to remove later with a cotton pad damp with water.
  • Coffee mask – combine a teaspoon of ground coffee, a teaspoon of Vaseline and a teaspoon of coconut oil; use a brush to apply the mask to the brows and rinse with water after 20 minutes.
  • Black tea mask – prepare really intensive tea brew (use plenty of leaves in a small amount of water); when it cools down, dunk a cotton pad in it, roll it and keep on eyebrows for 10 minutes.