Natural and not-so-natural ways to get thicker brows!

Dreaming of thick brows you see in commercials? That’s achievable! You don’t need to spend big bucks on professional in-salon treatments because there are endless other ways you can use to make brows thicker. Find out how to add definition to your eyes!

Girls that have naturally thick brows are lucky and don’t need makeup to look beautiful. Their brow job is merely plucking a few hairs from to time and defining the arches with a pomade.

What if mother nature hasn’t given us eyebrows that amaze with thickness? You can look fabulous as well but with a little bit more effort and treatments for thicker brows. Take a look at top methods that will add volume to your brows.


Let’s begin with the salon offer – surely a pricier option which also means you need to plan an appointment and find the time. Still, it’s sometimes worthwhile to entrust your brows to professionals, particularly when the sparse areas are really big.

  • Eyebrow tattooing is the best known treatment for thicker brows. Microblading is done by a professional brow technician and involves introducing pigment under the skin so as to reconstruct the brow arches and fill in patches. There are different brow tattooing techniques so that the effect is suited to individual needs and expectations.
  • 3D eyebrow extensions – this remedy for sparse brows is not as invasive. It consists of two stages: building (attaching artificial hairs) and sculpting (drawing hairs with a tint). The effect lasts for up to a few weeks; too bad the procedure is lengthy.
  • Eyebrow tinting is an excellent way to make the brows look fuller – making them darker and camouflaging the sparse areas. One of the products you can use it plant-derived henna which intensifies the color of hairs, boosts shine, nourishes and strengthens them from within.


The other group of remedies for sparse brows focuses on home treatments – all things every woman (and man) can introduce to their daily routine in order to use their own efforts to accelerate growth, boost volume and improve the appearance of brows.

  • Eyebrow serum – the best way to make brows thicker through nourishing and revitalizing the hairs. The rule is simple: the healthier the follicles, the thicker and fuller the brows. The best serum doesn’t only provide nutrients – it also triggers repair and keeps brows from falling out. Brows grow more quickly and in turn look fuller. You can put all brow makeup products in the bin.
  • Oil for eyebrows – applying an oil to brow hair is another natural remedy for sparse brows. Hands down castor oil is the best oil for brow regrowth but you can use other oils if you like e.g. argan oil or jojoba oil. Regular application of castor oil on brow arches nourishes, strengthens and stimulates faster growth.
  • Eyebrow brushing – another simple way to make brows thicker that many people don’t even know of or forget about. For brow brushing, use an old, clean mascara brush. By combing the brows, you style them as well as strengthen the hair and increase blood circulation for faster-growing brows.
  • Eyebrow makeup – the last, easiest and most famous way of making brows fuller is… good old makeup. A brow pencil, powder or pomade is able to make over the appearance of the entire face fast. Eyebrow mapping and filling is a really effortless way to get thicker brows.